diblu de plastic / d[mm] 10 n[buc/set] 50

Ati cautat diblu de plastic / d[mm] 10 n[buc/set] 50

Limitator de cursa, k series, top roller push plunger, 2 side cable entry. dimensions compatible to en 50047, plastic body, contacts 2nc snap action. plastic roller

Releu trifazat pentru monitorizate tensiune, WITHOUT NEUTRAL, minima si maxima tensiune. Lipsa faza AND INCORRECT PHASE SEQUENCE, 208…240VAC 50/60HZ ...

130.58 Ron
Limitator de cursa, k series, top roller push plunger, 2 side cable entry. dimensions compatible to en 50047, plastic body, contacts 1no+1nc snap action. plastic roller

Releu trifazat pentru monitorizate tensiune, WITHOUT NEUTRAL, minima si maxima tensiune. Lipsa faza AND INCORRECT PHASE SEQUENCE, 380…575VAC 50/60HZ ...

105.61 Ron

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